Earn Money Fast

Earn money fast to build your business

I have a question for all aspiring entrepreneurs and individuals who would like to improve their lives:

Do you want to invest in your business or education but you don’t have the money?

Don’t worry you’re not the only one. Three months ago I came across a business opportunity. I researched about the business, it’s products and surveyed potential customers to determine the demand for the products. YES – there was a market and YES, the product was reputable and proven to work. However, I did not have the money to buy stock to start the business.

So instead of saying I did not have the money… I asked myself how I could come up with the money? I made a list of different things I could do to come up with the money needed and also set dates by which I would raise the money.

I joined the business within two weeks of setting these targets for myself and have never looked back. I am on my way to building a legacy, on my way to mentoring other women to do well in what they do.

I could share many other examples where I have fearlessly embarked on a journey of the unknown, times where I have proceeded with plans to improve myself, without any guarantees that I would get funding, and have come up with ways to raise the money. Of course, always with God’s help. He has made me brave enough to pursue my dreams and has taught me to trust Him to provide for my needs.

The lesson?

When you ask yourself that question … how can I come up with the money…your brain will automatically start to think of ways to make money.

It is easier to sit back and come up with an excuse that you do not have money.

Where-ever you are as you read this, sit up and write a note to yourself saying how and when you will come up with the money.

How badly do you want to start that business? With the right attitude and willingness to work hard, the sky is the limit.

If you follow these tips you’ll be able to raise money when you need it

Barbra Muzata

Business, communications and branding leader working in Africa and Middle East

  • violet kalebuka

    I believe with a positive mind and determination,all things are possible and I can make it for the sky is the limit.

  • violet kalebuka

    Am determined with or without money.

    • That is good to hear Violet. Keep at it and do not give up your dreams.

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